who we are:

Ladies and The Trap is a small business located in the Boise, ID area. Our main mission is to provide education to pet owners who have lost an animal, and/or have found a stray/lost animal and need guidance on what the appropriate future steps are. We are Missing Animal Response Network (MARN) certified, and have taken Relationship Based Behavior Modification training for fearful dogs, as well as additional training under Nelson Hodges. We own the needed equipment for recovering lost pets. Humane traps, cellular game cameras, missy traps, drones, thermal technology, etc. When working a case this equipment is invaluable to have. Although we are located in ID, we do provide lost pet coaching worldwide. If we are unable to help via coaching - we will help connect you with someone who can.

Jamie Lough - Owner

Nicole Jenkins - Owner


  • Share our knowledge/experience on what strategies are most successful

  • Utilize our network to help spread the word and get as many eyes watching for your pet as possible

  • Provide coaching and direction until your pet is found

  • Employ the appropriate tools to track & capture your dog if needed

  • Offer encouragement, an understanding ear, and real-life examples of HOPE to help you keep pushing